What Is NAAC Accreditation? Its Purpose And Importance

NAAC Accreditation: NATIONAL ASSESSMENT AND ACCREDITATION COUNCIL (NAAC) evaluates and accredits Higher Educational Institutions (HEI), such as colleges, universities, and other recognized establishments. Students can choose the top higher education schools based on their NAAC grades. As a result, universities always employ the newest strategies in an effort to get the highest NAAC ranking.

What is the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC)

NAAC certification serves as a benchmark for assessing and ensuring the quality of education provided by higher education institutions throughout the country. The University Grants Commission (UGC) has mandated that all universities and faculties obtain certification from the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC).

The primary focus of NAAC accreditation is to enhance the quality parameters of education.

In contrast to conventional educational systems, NAAC seeks to foster the holistic development of students by facilitating the acquisition of skills and knowledge through their educational experiences.

Institutions that achieve NAAC accreditation are recognized as providers of “Quality Education” to their students. Consequently, institutions that aspire to optimize student learning outcomes by implementing best practices should strive to obtain NAAC accreditation.

What is the NAAC Accredit ation Meaning

The NAAC evaluates-ranking educational institutions using an eight-tier grading system. Each grade corresponds to a specific range of the institutional CGPA, which determines whether the institution is accredited or not. The grading scale includes A++ (CGPA of 3.51-4.00), A+ (3.26-3.50), A (3.01-3.25), B++ (2.76-3.00), among others. Institutions with a CGPA of 1.50 or lower are deemed unaccredited.

Grading System of NAAC

A key result of the evaluation process is the ultimate institutional grading. Following the assessment, the Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) is determined for those institutions that meet the grade qualifiers.

Grade Qualifiers for Higher Education Institutions (HEIs)
“A grade qualifier is established for institutions to achieve valid accreditation.
To qualify for any grade ranging from C to A++, an institution must attain a minimum aggregated score of 1.51 CGPA (considering both quantitative and qualitative measures) across each criterion.”

The results from the Student Satisfaction Survey will not be included during the Pre-qualifier Stage; however, they will be taken into account during the Grade Qualifier Stage. Once the grade qualifier is successfully met, the institution’s CGPA is then calculated.

NAAC Calculation of Institutional CGPA

The calculation of the CGPA will be derived from scores obtained from three distinct sources: the System Generated Scores (SGS) from quantitative metrics, which account for approximately 70% of the overall score; the evaluations conducted by the Peer Team during their on-site visit, which focus on qualitative critical appraisal; and the results from the Student Satisfaction Survey. These scores will be compiled through an automated process utilizing established benchmarks and will be evaluated on a five-point scale.

NAAC Final Grade System

The final grade is determined using the CGPA achieved by the institution, which is based on a maximum possible score of 4.00, and is assigned according to a seven-point scale. This seven-point scale corresponds to seven letter grades, each associated with a specific range of scores.

Table 3 Institutional Grades and Accreditation Status

Institutions that achieve a CGPA of 1.50 or lower are classified under the letter grade “D.” These institutions, which do not meet the necessary qualifications, will also receive notification from NAAC indicating that they have been “Assessed and Found not qualified for Accreditation.”

Range of Institutional Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA)

CGPA Range Letter Grade Status
3.51 – 4.00 A++ Accredited
3.26 – 3.50 A+ Accredited
3.01 – 3.25 A Accredited
2.76 – 3.00 B++ Accredited
2.51 – 2.75 B+ Accredited
2.01 – 2.50 B Accredited
1.51 – 2.00 C Accredited
≤ 1.50 D Not Accredited

Total Number of Institutions Accredited NAAC (Status as 23/05/2024)

  • Universities: 362
  • Colleges: 6,176
  • Total: 6,538

Click here to get details and  Click Here for RAF-Grade declared Institutions

Download State wise list of Universities Accreditated by NAAC

NAAC Vision & Mission 2024

The objective is to position quality as the fundamental principle of higher education in India by integrating self-assessment with external quality evaluations, complemented by initiatives aimed at fostering and maintaining excellence. The mission includes several essential goals: performing regular assessments and accreditations for educational institutions or particular academic programs; improving the academic environment to enhance the quality of teaching, learning, and research; cultivating a culture of self-evaluation, accountability, autonomy, and innovation; engaging in research, consultancy, and training that emphasizes quality; and partnering with various stakeholders in higher education to guarantee the ongoing advancement and preservation of quality standards.

To know about NIRF Ranking click here to get all the details regarding the Indian NIRF Ranking.

FAQ on NAAC Accreditation

What is the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC)?
Ans. National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) is an autonomous body that assesses and accredits higher educational institutions in India.

Why is National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) Accreditation Important?
Ans. It ensures the quality of education and helps students choose top institutions.

What is the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) Grading System?
Ans. National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) uses an eight-tier grading system from A++ to D based on the institution’s CGPA.

How is CGPA Calculated in NAAC?
Ans. CGPA is derived from System Generated Scores, Peer Team evaluations, and the Student Satisfaction Survey.

What Happens if an Institution Fails to Meet Minimum CGPA?
Ans. Institutions with a CGPA of 1.50 or lower receive a “D” grade and are not accredited.

What Are the Benefits of NAAC Accreditation?
Ans. Accreditation enhances educational quality, student outcomes, and institutional reputation.

What is NAAC’s Vision and Mission?
Ans. To position quality as the core of higher education through assessments and continuous improvement.

How Does NAAC Promote Holistic Development?
Ans. NAAC fosters the overall growth of students through diverse educational experiences.

How Many Institutions Are Accredited by NAAC?
Ans. As of May 2024, 6,538 institutions, including 362 universities, are accredited by NAAC.

Where Can I Find the List of NAAC-Accredited Institutions?
Ans. The list is available on the official NAAC website, including state-wise accredited universities.

NAAC Accreditation
NAAC Accreditation

What Is NAAC Accreditation? Its Purpose And Importance 2024

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